Navigation: Home/Show Results/Results for November 2009 Open Show
Best Dog - Fielgar Majestic Legend
Reserve Best Dog - Rysharrona Blue Moon for Rockiani
Best Puppy Dog - Tis-AJ's Remember me for Ozzy
1st Tis-AJ's Remember me for Ozzy
1st Reminisce Endearing
1st Tis-AJ's Remember me for Ozzy
1st Tis-AJ's Remember me for Ozzy
1st Fielgar Majestic Legend
1st Fielgar Majestic Legend
2nd Jaclee Arizona
3rd Roadshow Punch line for Tis-AJ's (IMP USA)
1st Roadshow Punch line for Tis-AJ's (IMP USA)
2nd Afterglow Macintosh
1st Rysharrona Blue Moon for Rockiani JW
2nd Am.Ch. Ectot Duke of Wellington at Tantripp (IMP USA)
3rd Davar Hershay Boy
1st Lamar's Morocco
2nd Reminisce Star Sailor
3rd Afterglow Luvver Boy for Rockiani
4th Afterglow Cruisin Las Vegas for Rockiani
Best Bitch - Sanrogue Love Actually
Reserve Best Bitch - Reminisce Shooting Star
Best Puppy Bitch - Combleywood Calendar Girl
Best Veteran Bitch - Afterglow Quala cum Reminisce
1st Combleywood Calendar Girl
2nd Combleywood Magnolia Mae (taf)
3rd Tis-AJ's Lillel Chocolate Lady
1st Tis-AJ's Back to Black
2nd Afterglow Candy Floss
1st Tis-AJ's Lillel Chocolate Lady
1st Tis-AJ's Lillel Chocolate Lady
1st Afterglow Candy Floss
1st Sanrogue Love Actually
2nd Gallmars Cee C Sammy
3rd Quajalosh Miss Attitude of Sabisabi
4th Afterglow Candy Floss
1st Reminisce Shooting Star
2nd Penrhis Amazing Gracer
1st Sanrogue Love Me Do JW
2nd Fielgar Majestic Serenity of Sabisabi
1st Afterglow Quala cum Reminisce
Navigation: Home/Show Results/Results for November 2009 Open Show