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If the Easter bunny did not arrive you know why!
Toto (Almondsbury Pandemonium Sh CM) started his 4th season working on the Glenlivet Estate, Speyside with a day on the Grouse.
We managed to get in the lead Land Rover to ride up to the moor. Toto sat on my knee & shook with excitement all the way up, with his head out of the window to make sure we didn't miss any. Once up on the hill, I enjoyed a glass of Champagne & the panoramic view of the lilac, heather covered summits.
We left the vehicles at 11.30 am, and the dogs were putting up Grouse right from the off. The weather was kind to us up until the start of the final drive at 4.30 pm - when thunderous rain set in. There were lots of very smart Labradors anxious to show off & Toto hadn't had a chance of a fallen bird right up to the last bird on the final drive, which he found just before the Gamekeeper's bitch.
He needed to redeem himself as he'd done a little bit of hare coursing half-way through the day, despite being told at the safety briefing that ground game was off limits! By the time we got back to the vehicles, everyone was soaked and well ready for the BBQ of venison from the estate. As there are so many Grouse again this year, a second day is planned in September - Toto can't wait......
Sabisabi Lone Ranger at his 1st agility competition, came 1st in starters jumping, and the only dog in his class to have a clear round.
Sabisabi Pawnee Princess has only been doing agility for 6 months, and had an 8th place in starters agility and a clear round at her 1st competition, and 4th place at her 2nd in starters jumping.
Sabisabi Pawnee Puff O` Smoke just finished his 1st season gundog training. He is retrieving on land with dummies and cold game, and retrieves from water. He is coming, going and stopping on the whistle, and now makes our 6th American to have made a start on training.
Quajalosh Miss Attitude of Sabisabi, our good all rounder girl, achieved her Kennel club good citizens gold, has worked successfully on shoots, and has attained a good level of gundog training, retrieving on land and in water.
Our aims are to get 3 dogs to K.C good citizen silver level, 2 more to gold level, continue tracking with Sabisabi Lone Ranger, and try to get at least 2 on a gundog test, if we can find one not too far away. We want to compete at agility with 4 dogs, and start 2 more on an agility course. We may get time to get a show or 2 in as well.
Photo from Amy English [Nujax]. If you require a copy please contact Amy.
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Two Americans and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever during training for Field work.
The Americans are Calireiver Funky Drummer (aka Ringo) a 11 month old buff dog, and Fielgar Majestic Solitaire (aka Jemma) a 4 year old black bitch. They are accompanield by their `best mate` a 11 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Riverrun Baby Beri.
All are owned by Janette and Brian Bishop of Hawick in the Scottish Borders
Sh Ch/ Ir Sh Ch/ Am Ch/ Int Ch SAN JO'S BORN TO PARTY
Best of Breed and Gundog Group Winner Crufts 2008.
Owned and shown by Monica & Margaret Boardman of Co. Dublin, R.O.I.
Picture by kind permission of L.A. Croft-Elliott
The following article was sent in by Sue Swainson and explains the excelent day she and Mrs Perry had!
I had read the brief about the day and decided that it might be fun to attend with my 8 year old Lewis ( bred by Lyn Lyons). He has his Gold Good Citizen and is a dog that likes to be kept busy so I thought that he might be able do the basic gundog work without embarrassing me too much.
It was an interesting day and the trainer commented on Lewis' excellent retrieving skills and his general keeness. I cannot rise to Mrs Perry's heights and send a photo of him clearing a five bar gate with a pheasant in his mouth but I have attached a picture of him trying to do a retrieve from the lake. At one point I was getting very panicky because as he tried to get his ball he was causing waves which made the ball bob further away from him and suddenly it occurred to me that he was quite far out into the deep lake. I was thinking I might have to go in - and I don’t swim very well - but with plenty of encouragement from me and the trainer he gave up on the ball and turned around and swam back to the edge where I hauled him out with a huge sigh of relief! The trainer said for Lewis swimming with his heavy coat must have felt like the equivalent of us swimming in a duvet! One American Cocker at each event must have been a shock for the organisers!
I thought training a gundog breed to be a gundog would be 'easy peasy' - I can see there is a lot of hard work that goes into it and I wish Mrs Perry every success with her boy.
Almonsbury Pandermonim - Toto
photos with kind permission of Becky Saunderson 'copyright 2011'
Almonsbury Pandermonim - Toto
photos with kind permission of Nigel Dear 'copyright 2011'
Lynlight Comic Book Hero at Sailorsville - Lewis
photos with kind permission of Heidi Hudson 'copyright 2011'