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March 2017

The HCACC is very proud that one of our breed has won the prestigious Crufts BiS, Sh Ch Afterglow Miami Ink. In response to criticism within mainstream media and on social media following the win, the HCACC would like to highlight how very proud the club and breed enthusiasts are that our breed are both multi-functional as both show and working dogs.

The breed can work clipped off, but as the following images display they can work in full coat and still be shown. Even if they are just a pet or a show dog, they still possess the instinct of a gundog. Just because they are presented beautifully for the show ring, doesn’t mean they can’t be a Gundog.

The HCACC would welcome any enquiries from individuals who are interested in the working gundog abilities of the American Cocker Spaniel. We have a number of members who we can put you in contact with for much further detail.

The breed history features a number of dogs who are both show and field trial champions, and the working of the American Cocker Spaniel today continues, just not as widely publicised as some more common gundog breeds such as the Springer Spaniel or Cocker Spaniel.

Please view the Gallery for photos of American cockers performing agility as well as working in the field.

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